Mar-Lu-Ridge is a year-round outdoor ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

In everything we do, we strive to create space for community, service, and sanctuary.

Mission Statement

Rooted in Christ, we welcome all to encounter God’s love through sacred hospitality, deepening relationships, and care for creation.

Mission Statement

Rooted in Christ, we welcome all to encounter God’s love through sacred hospitality, deepening relationships, and care for creation.

Welcome Statement

In accordance with our Mission Statement which reads in part “We welcome all people,” Mar-Lu-Ridge Camp and Retreat Center is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment which reflects the lessons Jesus taught us: To love one another, even as I have loved you. (John 13:34)

Mar-Lu-Ridge values diversity, opposes discrimination, and promotes equal opportunity regardless of age, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or gender expression or identity. Mar-Lu-Ridge will not tolerate behavior that discriminates based on any of the above identities. In contrast, and in keeping with our values and mission, and the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ, we wish to affirm and celebrate the identities of all people.

We will strive to provide an environment where people will feel appreciated as unique individuals as well as commit ourselves to the work of anti-racism, pledging to live as reconciling people seeking reparations in our life together and among the world. We will work to ensure that our staff members, campers, volunteers, and guests can reach their full potential by living and working in a community of inclusivity and mutual respect as beloved members of the kin-dom of God.*

* “Kin-dom” was first introduced to us in 1996 by Maria Isasi-Díaz in her book, “Mujerista Theology.” In it she used the word “kin-dom” to avoid using the word “kingdom,” which many understand as sexist and elitist. She also used it to note that when Scripture speaks of the kingdom of God, it describes the coming together of people as kin, with no one being excluded; where there is liberation, salvation, and the fullness of life for all.


For further understanding and education, we encourage you to explore these resources:

Mar-Lu-Ridge Land Acknowledgement

Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Anti-Racism statement

Showing Up for Racial Justice

Reconciling Works Information

ELCA Disability Ministry Information


Community – We are One Body that encourages, educates, mentors, loves unconditionally, and prays for each other.

Service – We believe in the benefit of educating our campers about organizations and people who work in the community and in the church to assist people in need, and to offer opportunities for our campers to improve the lives of others through service projects, prayer, and financial support.

Sanctuary – We will maintain the safety and wholeness of our natural space, respecting all life within – human, fauna, and flora. Mar-Lu-Ridge has been powered by 100% wind energy since 2017.  In 2021, we entered into a Conservation Easement with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, preserving the land for generations to come.

MLR History

Mar-Lu-Ridge was founded in 1959 as the Outdoor Ministry of the Maryland Synod of the Lutheran Church. The initial construction efforts included a Lodge for dining and the construction of four cabins. This was the first year that summer camp was held.

In 1962 our Chapel, Salem-on-the-Mountain was constructed; which is well known for its view of the Potomac River and valley below.

In 1970 the construction of the Ridge Inn was completed, this facility offered 16 hotels style rooms with its own kitchen and dining facilities.

Strategic Plan

The strategic goals for the ministry of Mar-Lu-Ridge in 2023 and beyond are at the intersection of our core values and our mission. In everything we do, we strive to blaze a trail of innovative and creative ways to honor Community, Service, and Sanctuary through Sacred Hostpitality, Deepened Relationships, and Care for Creation.

View our stragetic goals below:

Strategic Goals – Community
Strategic Goals – Service
Strategic Goals – Sanctuary

Our Partners:

Evangelical Lutheran Church of America logo

ELCA Delaware Maryland Synod logo

logo ELCA Metro DC Synod

Reconciling Works logo

ACA Accredited Camp logo