Mar-Lu-Ridge Parent/Guardian Handbook

Summer Camp 2025

Dear Camper and Parent/Guardian,

Greetings from Mar-Lu-Ridge! We are excited that you will be joining us at camp this summer! Please be sure to read through our Health & Well-being FAQ as you prepare for camp.

We’ve included a lot of information in this handbook that you will find particularly useful. You may consult the Table of Contents below for a list of topics that are covered in this handbook.

If, after reading the handbook, you still have questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to call our toll-free number – 1.800.238.9974. Office hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. We can’t wait for you to join us this summer! We will see you soon!

Peace and blessings,

Sarah Lefler, Executive Director

Diana Edelblute, Associate Director

Summer 2025 Health/Well-Being FAQs

Preparing for Summer Camp
Camper Paperwork
Housing Expectations
Refund Policy
Camper Code of Conduct
Bullying Policy
Camper Dismissals
Health Care Information
Medication Policy
Summer Staff Qualifications
Packing List
What to Leave at Home

During Summer Camp
Sample Schedule
Bible Study
The Camp Store
Pictures of the Week
Communicating with Your Camper
Pick-Up Procedures
Lost & Found
Gratuities & Contributions

After Summer Camp
Post-Camp Communication
Year-Round Programming
All are Welcome

Summer Camp Health & Well-being FAQ 2025

What do we need to do before camp?

Please ensure all health documents are submitted one month prior to your camper’s week at camp by uploading them to the Active portal or by sending a copy to the office along with your other forms.

As your camper’s week at camp approaches, please monitor their health! If they are sick, please contact the camp office about the possibility of rescheduling. We want your camper and the camp community to stay as healthy as possible!

How does Sunday check-in work?

Assigned times: Prior to your week of camp, we will send an email assigning your camper to a check-in time slot. (All check in times will be between 3:00 pm-4:30 pm). This will allow us to stagger check-in, creating less wait time and contact between families. You and your camper will check in at the pavilion or Agape Hall (depending on weather), then head to the cabin to meet your counselor.

Health checks: As always, we will ask each camper a series of health-related check-in questions.

How will my camper stay safe and healthy during camp?

We maintain small group sizes with no more than 12 campers and 2 staff per cabin. We never have more than 70 campers on-site at one time.

Hygiene and cleaning: We continue to follow all ACA and CDC guidelines for hygiene and cleanliness. Frequently touched areas, including all bathrooms, are sanitized daily.

What happens if someone develops symptoms of contagious illness, such as Covid-19?

Anyone (camper or staff) who develops symptoms of contagious illness will enter on-site quarantine, and the camper’s family will be contacted for pick-up. The camper’s items will be packed up by staff and the cabin will be sanitized. If symptoms are consistant with Covid-19, we will remain in contact with the camper’s family, and in the case of a positive test result, notify the families of the camper’s group.



Once registered, please turn in your camper paperwork no later than four weeks prior to the start date of the camp you’ve registered for. Please ensure all paperwork is complete and signed by the appropriate people before submitting it online or sending it in. We recommend you photocopy all forms for your own records.

Every effort will be made to honor bunkmate requests! However, please keep in mind that campers are assigned to living quarters according to age and gender identity.


Mar-Lu-Ridge is committed to creating safe, inclusive spaces for all people. In a cabin setting, this means teaching and enforcing boundary and privacy practices for all campers and staff. Mar-Lu-Ridge’s cabins have two rooms, separated by a central door. Each room of the cabin has its own separate bathroom and shower, and its own exterior door. Each cabin is also equipped with a pop-up changing tent. At no time do campers or staff change clothes in a common area.

Campers are housed in small groups by gender identity. It is our practice to place program groups together by age, with the boys in one room of the cabin with their counselor and the girls in the other room of the cabin with their counselor. The central door between the rooms is closed most of the time, and campers are expected to stay on their side of the cabin. The door may be open for counselors to assist each other with behavior management and group coordination. The door is also open for supervision purposes during the staff evening break, when one staff member supervises the entire cabin of sleeping campers.

If you have questions about housing and privacy practices, please contact the camp office (301-874-5544) or at

The $50 deposit made at the time of registration is non-refundable. A refund of any payment above and beyond the deposit amount will be made if cancellation takes place at least six weeks before the first day of camp, or if Mar-Lu-Ridge must cancel a camp session due to a health crisis or other emergency. Mar-Lu-Ridge cannot carry over a deposit from year to year. There will be no refunds after a camp session begins.

In keeping with our mission statement, “We welcome all people…” we believe that no one should be prevented from attending Mar-Lu-Ridge based on their ability to pay. We operate on a voluntary three-tier pricing system, in which families self-select the price that best fits their financial needs. Families needing financial assistance should select Tier 3 and apply for financial assistance through their church/organization or through our Campership program. Many churches have a camper assistance program, which provide financial assistance to members regardless of financial need. Contact your church office for details. Mar-Lu-Ridge also has a “Campership” Program for everyone and anyone. Click here to download our financial assistance form.


Each camper/their parent/guardian must sign a Camper Code of Conduct agreement, committing to the following:

-Treat all people with respect and caring, avoid bullying or participating in bullying behavior
-Respect the rights of others to feel safe and welcome, including respect for others’ privacy and property
-Use language appropriate for a loving, supportive community
-Respect God’s good creation at Mar-Lu-Ridge, the camp’s property and facilities
-Stay with my group (unless instructed by a camp staff member) and follow the camp schedule.
-Follow the rules and regulations of the camp, including possession of illegal or prohibited substances or items (listed in Parent/Guardian handbook)
-Try something new and participate in camp activities to the best of my ability

Failure to abide by this agreement may result in a dismissal from camp.


At Mar-Lu-Ridge, bullying is inexcusable, and we have a firm policy against all types of bullying. Our camp philosophy is based on our mission statement which ensures that every camper has the opportunity to participate in new activities, build confidence, and make new friends, all within an intentional Christian environment. We work together as a team to achieve our goal that every camper returns home with positive memories.

Unfortunately, persons who are bullied may not have the same potential to get the most out of their camp experience. Our leadership takes all incidents of bullying seriously and trains staff to promote communication between counselors and campers to ensure both staff and campers will be comfortable alerting us to any problems during their camp experience.

We ask that parents/guardians let us know about any particular bullying concerns they may have for their camper. This may include any camp-related emails, text messages, or social media interactions that may have led to exclusion of your camper by somebody else at camp. We want to ensure that this problem can be managed by a strong partnership between our staff, campers, and camper families.

On rare occasions, campers must be asked to leave camp prior to the end of their session. This might be due to camper behavior that is unsafe to themselves or others, disruptive to other campers, or because behavior is not in accordance with Mar-Lu-Ridge code of conduct, policies, practices, or nature of a particular program. In this situation, the camper will be dismissed with no refund of any kind, and parents/guardians are responsible for immediate transportation of the camper from camp property.

The health and safety of each camper and staff member is our primary concern. State law requires that all medications be given to the Health Care Supervisor during check-in (prescription and non-prescription). The Health Care Supervisor is on duty 24 hours a day.

Additionally, Mar-Lu-Ridge staff members are trained in first aid and CPR. A camper infirmary is on site and the local hospital and rescue squad has 24 hour service. ALL campers, volunteers and staff must have a current health history and physical examination before coming to camp.
Mar-Lu-Ridge strives to be as informative as possible when it comes to a camper’s health, but it is difficult to predict every single instance in which parents/guardians will be notified.

Mar-Lu-Ridge will notify parents/guardians of a camper injury or illness when:
• Camper displays symptoms of COVID-19 or other contagious illness
• The camp health care supervisor or physician recommends that the camper be taken off-site for treatment
• Emergency medical treatment is needed
• A recurring medical condition or problem arises

• No medication (prescription or non-prescription) will be administered at camp without a completed and signed Parental Consent, Health History, and State of Maryland Forms.
• All medications must be in original prescription container from the pharmacy. Each medication comes with detailed instructions on the bottle and/or paperwork.
• The first full day’s dosage of any new medication a camper might be taking must be given prior to camper’s arrival at camp.
• Parents/guardians must make arrangements for safe delivery and pick-up of all medications.

A number of Registered Nurses volunteer at Mar- Lu-Ridge as a part of our ministry and provide for the health of our campers. Children/grandchildren of camp nurses may attend a week of a traditional summer camp at Mar-Lu-Ridge for a reduced fee! If you are interested in serving as Mar-Lu-Ridge camp nurse or helping with screening during Sunday registration (just two hours!), please contact Sarah Lefler, Executive Director.

Mar-Lu-Ridge staff members are carefully selected and trained to ensure a safe, meaningful and unforgettable experience of faith. All staff members go through an extensive 10 days of staff training, in which they learn risk management, safety procedures, and age-appropriate facilitation techniques, among many other topics.

Our summer staff members are trained in all activities they lead including challenge course facilitation, high ropes and rock-climbing facilitation, canoeing, and archery. All staff members are trained and certified in First Aid & CPR, and all lifeguards are certified through American Red Cross. Additionally, Registered Nurses, Emergency Medical Technicians, Mental Health personnel, certified specialty instructors, and the Camp Chaplain are present each week during the summer to provide for the health and safety of our campers.

For each day, pack:
• T-shirts
• Shorts
• Socks
• Underclothes

Other clothing:
• 1 pair long pants
• Sweatshirt
• Rain jacket
• Sleepwear
• Sneakers (closed toe & heel!)
• Rain/hiking boots
• Shower shoes
• Hat
• Sunglasses
• Swimsuit

Other items:
• Sleeping bag (recommended)
• Sheet/blanket
• Pillow
• Laundry bag
• 2 towels (shower & pool)
• Toiletry items
• Sunscreen
• Insect repellent
• Water bottle

Adventure campers must also bring: extra closed-toed shoes for boating activities, a lightweight sleeping bag for sleepouts, and a sturdy backpack appropriate for long hiking trips.

Pioneer campers must also bring: extra closed-toe shoes for boating activities, a lightweight sleeping bag for sleepouts.

Horseback campers must also bring: a pair of long pants (sports pants or legging style, NO JEANS!), and closed-toe, hiking-style shoes with a small heel or low-heeled boots.


  • Cell phones & tablets
  • Expensive items
  • Jewelry
  • Food/snacks/candy
  • Soft drinks
  • iPods/music players
  • Electronic games 
  • Pets
  • Firearms Knives
  • Archery equipment

Prohibited Item Policy: Should any of the above items (including cell phones) be brought to camp and made known to the staff, MLR staff members will take the item and hold it in the office until the conclusion of the camp week on Friday evening.


Please check your email one week prior to the start of camp for your assigned check-in time. All check-in times will be between 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm on Sunday afternoon. Upon arrival, you will be greeted at the gate by a staff member who will direct you to the check-in location. If your camper does not arrive during the expected time frame, Mar-Lu-Ridge staff will call to verify whereabouts unless prior notice has been given.

During Check-in:
• All paperwork and payments are finalized
• Campers complete a health check-in with our health care staff
• Medications are turned over to the health care staff
• Camp store items purchased online ahead of time will be distributed (see section titled “Camp Store”)
• Camper release forms are completed and signed
• Housing assignments are given

The following reflects a typical day at camp. The morning activity blocks are filled by specialty program activities or by other camp fun.

7:15 a.m. Rise & Shine!
7:45 a.m. Morning devotions
8:00 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m. Songs & chores
9:00 a.m. Bible study
9:30 a.m. Activity Block I
10:30 a.m. Activity Block II
11:30 a.m. Bible Study
12:00 p.m. Lunch
12:30 p.m. Songtime
1:00 p.m. FOB (flat-on-bunk)
1:30 p.m. Pool
2:30 p.m. Store time
3:30 p.m. Skillcraft (electives)
4:30 p.m. Bible Study
5:00 p.m. Dinner
5:30 p.m. Songtime
6:00 p.m. Large-group Activities
7:30 p.m. Campfire & Worship
9:00 p.m. Small-group Devotions
9:30 p.m. Bedtime

Bible Study at camp is led by trained Mar-Lu-Ridge counselors and our on-site chaplains. Campers will learn and grow in faith through hands-on activities, conversation, art projects, and more!


Please review the following rules with your camper so they understand what is expected of them at camp.

  1. Respect the authority of all Mar-Lu-Ridge staff members.  We are here only to help you have a safe and wonderful time at camp!
  2. At all times, you are expected to treat other campers and staff with kindness and compassion. Physical, emotion, and/or mental harm, including but not limited to fighting, inappropriate touching, and bullying, will not be tolerated. Remember: “all people are welcomed and included at Mar-Lu-Ridge, without exception!”
  3. Respect camp property and program materials. Intentional damage/defacing of camp property or supplies is not allowed.
  4. Stay within camp boundries: the Main Camp area includes all cabins, Potomac Lodge, Chapel, and Agape Hall. You are to stay within the boundaries of Arts & Crafts pavilion (north end) and Agape Hall (south end) unless on a hike or other activity being led by staff. East and West boundaries are the rocks and behind the cabins – you may only access these areas with staff.
  5. Always walk, unless told by a staff person.
  6. Stones and sticks must stay on the ground.
  7. Only climb on the large rocks with permission from a MLR staff member, and under the staff member’s supervision.
  8. Wear closed toe and heel shoes at camp, unless at the pool or shower house.
  9. Practice good hygiene.


        All campers visit the camper store every day after pool time for a store snack, provided at no cost to families by the generosity of our donors. If campers and families would like to purchase souvenirs, please visit our online camp store ( At checkout, you may choose to have items shipped to you (free of charge) or to pick them up at Sunday check-in or Friday pick-up. We will also have the camp store open for spontaneous purchases at Friday pick-up.

        The best way to communicate with your camper while they are at MLR is through our camper email system. You may send emails to with your camper’s name and group in the subject line. These messages are delivered daily. Phone calls and/or visits are not allowed to or from campers as this may make adjustment to camp life more difficult. If you would like to hear from your camper while they are at camp, we encourage you to send pre- addressed and stamped envelopes with them at the beginning of the week. They will have time during the week to write home if they would like. If there are any emergencies during your camper’s stay, please call our office at 301-874-5544.

        All immediate family members are invited to attend closing worship on Friday evening prior to picking up their camper. The gates will open at 7:15 pm, worship begins at 7:30 pm, and campers will be picked up no later than 8:00 pm. If you cannot/would rather not attend worship, please arrive to pick up your camper no later than 8:00 pm.

        Parents/Guardians and campers are responsible for everything that they bring to camp. Please label your camper’s belongings properly to avoid losing items. Mar-Lu-Ridge cannot mail lost and found items, but you may pick them up before October 1st. At that time, we will donate any items that are unclaimed.

        We must politely decline any gratuities or tips. If you would like to contribute to the end-of- summer staff banquet, please notify one of our directors.


        Mar-Lu-Ridge has a strict staff-to-camper communication policy of which you should be aware. The safety of campers is and shall always be a top priority at Mar-Lu-Ridge. We hand-pick our staff and stand by their ability to care properly for campers while they are at camp. Once camp is over, we cannot guarantee that the same kind of supervision, oversight, or program structure will be present. Post-camp communication could be very positive in nourishing fond memories and relationships. However, for the reasons stated above, we require that post-camp communication (including social media) between campers and staff occurs only with the awareness, approval, and supervision of the camper’s parents/guardians. All staff members are informed of this policy; we ask that you please inform your camper as well.

        Mar-Lu-Ridge serves the community in a number of different ways – more than just summer camp! If you would like us to visit your congregation, please let us know. When summer camp ends, MLR serves as a retreat and conference center for a wide variety of groups. If your scout troop, church, work group, or family is looking for a great spot to get away, consider coming to Mar-Lu-Ridge! We would love to host you!

        Rules for acceptance and participation in Mar-Lu-Ridge programs and use of facilities are the same for everyone without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, or gender expression or identity. We are open to everyone, so invite your friends, coworkers, and partners to see what Mar-Lu-Ridge has to offer.

        Welcome Statement:
        In accordance with our Mission Statement which reads in part “We welcome all,” Mar-Lu-Ridge Camp and Retreat Center is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment which reflects the lessons Jesus taught us:  To love one another, even as I have loved you. (John 13:34)

        Mar-Lu-Ridge values diversity, opposes discrimination, and promotes equal opportunity regardless of age, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or gender expression or identity. Mar-Lu-Ridge will not tolerate behavior that discriminates based on any of the above identities. In contrast, and in keeping with our values and mission, and the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ, we wish to affirm and celebrate the identities of all people.

        We will strive to provide an environment where people will feel appreciated as unique individuals as well as commit ourselves to the work of anti-racism, pledging to live as reconciling people seeking reparations in our life together and among the world. We will work to ensure that our staff members, campers, volunteers, and guests can reach their full potential by living and working in a community of inclusivity and mutual respect as beloved members of the kin-dom of God.*
        * “Kin-dom” was first introduced to us in 1996 by Maria Isasi-Díaz in her book, “Mujerista Theology.” In it she used the word “kin-dom” to avoid using the word “kingdom,” which many understand as sexist and elitist. She also used it to note that when Scripture speaks of the kingdom of God, it describes the coming together of people as kin, with no one being excluded; where there is liberation, salvation, and the fullness of life for all.