Camp Registration 

See the schedule and FAQ’s about this summer. Registration for Summer 2025 is OPEN!!

The following sessions are FULL:

Day Camp 1
Family Camp 1
Middler 1
Middler 2
Middler 3
Middler 5
Middler Pioneer
Middler Horseback
Adventure 1
Adventure 2
Junior Arts
Night Owls

Step 1: Register

Summer Camp Registration Form (This is an alternate paper form to be mailed instead of using online registration above.)

    • Registration for week-long camps, day camp, and Family Camp will open January 1, 2025.

Why are there three prices?
Our tiered pricing system helps us make camp more affordable for all, by allowing families to self-select the price that works best for them. Selections are always confidential, and all campers enjoy the same high-quality experience regardless of selection.

Step 1: Register


Summer Camp Registration Form (This is an alternate paper form to be mailed instead of using online registration above.)

  • Registration for week-long camps, day camp, and Family Camp will open January 1, 2025.

Why are there three prices?
Our tiered pricing system helps us make camp more affordable for all, by allowing families to self-select the price that works best for them. Selections are always confidential, and all campers enjoy the same high-quality experience regardless of selection.

Step 2: Complete the Financial Assistance Form as needed (if not completed online)

We believe in camp for all! We offer full and partial scholarships to all families who need them. We will never turn campers away due to ability to pay. You can indicate financial need on your online registration by selecting Financial Aid when you choose your program, then filling out the online form. Please let us know on that form if your congregation is paying a portion of your camp fee.

We also have paper versions of all online forms. If this is the better method fo you, please download and complete our Financial Assistance Form to apply for a scholarship, or to let us know that your congregation is paying a portion of your camp fee.

Step 3: Complete additional paperwork

Login to your online account to complete additional forms, including physical and medication forms, which must be signed by a licensed physician. If you did not register online, you may click here to download all required forms.

Paperwork is due no later than four weeks prior to arrival

Step 4: Get ready for camp! Parent/Guardian Handbook

Check out our packing list, directions to camp, and other important information in our Parent/Guardian Handbook.

We can’t wait to see you this summer!